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b.c. bulk carrier

c. composite (wooden hull on iron frame)

c.s. container ship

i. iron

l.c. log carrier

l.g.c. liquified gas carrier

obo ore/bulk/oil carrier

p.s. paddle steamer

pass passenger ship

s. steel

s.s. screw steamer

s.w. stern-wheeler

tkr tanker

w. wooden



# yard number

* acquired image direct from original film



A/S Anonymous Society

bhp brake horse power

C2cy compound engine

c. circa

Ca. circa (at start of sentence)

Cie Compagnie

Cia Compania

Co. Company

coll. sourced from the collection of

comm. commissioned

conv. converted

CTL Constructive Total Loss

cy cylinders

D. & E. Dock & Engineering

D. Y. Dockyard

del. delivered

dwt deadweight (tons)

Eng. Engineering

grt gross registered tons

H.I. Heavy Industries

HK Hong Kong

ihp indicated horse power

inv. inverted

k knots

K.K. Kabushiki Kaisha (=Shareholding Company)

LCI Lloyd's Confidential Index

LR Lloyd's Register of Shipping

LRS Lloyd's Register Supplement

Ltd Limited

LPT low pressure turbine

M motorship (diesel engine)

mgr(s) manager(s)

mgt management

MNL Mercantile Navy List

n. net (tons)

NFI No Further Information

NVSM N.V. Stoomvaart Maatschappij (=Steamship Company)

o/v on voyage

Pty Proprietary

Per. Pel. Perusahaan (=Company) Pelayaran (=Shipping)

PRC People's Republic of China

Pte Private

Q4cy quadruple expansion engine

r. renamed

reg. registry (registered)

rep. reported

req. requisitioned

RLR Removed from Lloyd's Register

r/f refloated

S.A. Society Anonymous

S.B. Shipbuilding

S.N. Steam Navigation

S.S. Steamship

S.Y. Ship Yard

Sdn Bhd Sendirian Berhad (=private company)

SEA Southeast Asia

shp shaft horse power

ST steam turbine

T3cy triple expansion engine

t/f transferred

TE turbo-electric

Tls taels (currency unit)

Tptn Transportation

yuan (currency unit)



(Company abbreviations relevant to individual lists are given at the top of each list)

B&W Burmeister & Wain

BT Board of Trade (U.K.)

CNC China Navigation Co.

CVA City of Vancouver Archives

GM General Motors

IJN Imperial Japanese Navy

MAN Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg

MOT Ministry of Transport (U.K.)

MOWT Ministry of War Transport (U.K.)

NHHC Naval History and Heritage Commmand (U.S.A.)

OCM Otaru City Museum

RN Royal Navy (U.K.)

RAN Royal Australian Navy

UoB University of Bristol

USMC United States Maritime Commission

USN United States Navy

USSB United States Shipping Board

USWSA United States War Shipping Administration



Reference Material - The China Year Book


PDF copies of the Shipping sections of various editions of the former private publication "The China Year Book" are attached below for reference. The content and format varies and some years do not contain lists of ships. Files can be turned on their side as necessary using the "display" menu or tilt symbol at the top of the PDF page.


1913  1914  1916




1921-22  1923  1924-25










1932  1934  1935




1936  1938


1938-39  1939  1944-45



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